Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Worst First

So I don't have anything truly insightful to say but I liked this idea that I found on the blog Sister's Stuff.

It was all about doing the worst first. Go to the post here. I liked the saying that she had on there...

"If you can do the worst first, you will just get it over with. It will not be hanging out on your to do list when you run out of time and energy later."

One of my worsts is Laundry...especially whites. I totally agree with Alish. I do my laundry on Mondays, whites first. Laundry is also the ONLY thing that I do on Monday...that makes it achievable for me.

I would also say that one of my other "worsts" is dishes...I very much despise dishes. The hard part of doing them is that they have to be done 3 times a day. I usually end up doing them at night. Tomorrow I will do them first...all 3 times they need to be done.

What is your worst?


  1. I just typed a big long replay and something malfunctioned! I don't have time to repost right now, but I will later.

  2. Thanks Michele! I love it! I am having a "so far I'm sorta caught up on life" sorta week. Of course it's early out day for my kids, so let's hope I can keep it together through the entire day!

  3. You know what, I found that having a set schedule for housework than things do not pile up on you. Set a schedule that works for you and stick to it. When I was a younger mom I felt like I wasn't accomplishing anything in my day. I went complaining to my mom and she gave me that suggestion. So I sat down and worked out a schedule for myself and I feel like I accoomplished at least that much. If you want more info. on what I did, I am always willing to share.
