I don't remember who it was that said this the first time it stuck with me. I believe it was Donna Baxter. I believe she was referring to gaining a testimony of our church. She is right, you know. Sometimes in life you gotta fake it til you make it!
I think it applies to many very important aspects of life. Being a good husband or wife, being a good parent, gaining a testimony, being a good student, and many many others.
Sometimes in life we KNOW something, and so we DO it. But there are also times in life that it happens backwards to that. We have to DO so we will KNOW. The latter can be much harder! It's hard to have faith and put ourselves out there! It's harder to exercise a principle that we don't have a knowledge of! Imagine how much COURAGE it must have taken the Wright Brothers to try out the first airplane!
So here's the challenge: DO something so you can gain a knowledge of it. In other words, fake something until you make it. It can be ANYTHING from pretending you are good at gardening to baking your own bread to making an effort to have family prayer. If you want to share what YOU are doing to accept this challenge, feel free, but also feel free to keep it private. Good luck!