Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Give me your best...

I need your help ladies!
I need your best CUTE definition of the word Family.
This is for a vinyl project.

for instance:

those who know you best and love you anyway.

(whoever comes up with the one I use gets it in vinyl to fit a 12x12 for FREE!)


  1. Family is like fudge. Sweet with a few nuts!

  2. I have been thinking....no brilliant ideas yet!

  3. Family puts the fun in dis-functional.

    Family...the basic unit for a happy life (Stephen L Richards*)
    Family...The very foundation of our hope (Stephen L Richards*)
    *both from his talk in the July Ensign

  4. Miles came up with these:

    I wouldn't have put us together but I wouldn't have it any other way

    God put us all together and I wouldn't have it any other way

  5. Family: Those who create all that stinkin' laundry and you love them anyway!

    Family: The only sane reason to do 20 loads per week.

    Sensing a theme here? Bet you can't guess what I'm doing today!

  6. Jenny you are a goofball! I'm sure that won't work for my project, sorry! Giggling. Boston does laundry and she's cheap!
