Friday, June 18, 2010

consistant dailychore chart/to do list

Okay this is what works best for my kids and me!
It is pretty basic, but
I have a chore chart for each of them (except little Danielle of course) and It has all their daily stuff they need to do. morning and night prayers, 20 min of reading ( at least 20 min.), piano practice, chore of the day, pick up room,  20 min of exercise (They choose whatever they want to do) pick up their room, scriptures, brush teeth and wash face ( yes even my teenager needs a reminder sometimes) I have a big schedule board that (I have shown in a earlier post) and I put their chore of the day and other things that need to remembered on there like scouts, gymnastics, Y.W. etc. If it is in the school year I put up test days and when reports are due, field trips etc.  also in the school year homework is on their daily chart. And since I am talking about school year during the school year I am a mean mom and make my kids do their homework right when they get home from school while they are in school mode still, because I have found if I give them an inch of free time first it is almost impossible to get them back on track the rest of the night, but if they do their work first they have the rest of the night to relax.   Any way they can't go to friends houses or get on the computer or watch T.V. until these things are done.  Of course I don't expect them to do  their pm stuff yet, but anything that can be done in the day is expected. Over all it helps the house hold run smoothly and it teaches the kids that work and play have their own time and place.  And they know that play is more fun when their work is done :-)  This summer it has worked nicely where they are done with all their stuff by about 10:00am and so they have the whole day to do pretty much what they want. 
Also one of the greatest things I ever did was teach my kids how to do laundry! They each have their own laundry day and they bring down their dirty clothes and they sort them by darks, whites and colors in the 3 baskets that I have designated for each color and which ever basket has the most clothes in it at the time thats the load they put in and switch over the other loads.  If only I could get them to consistantly fold!  They are always trying to get out of that job :-)  They are learning an important skill ( did you have room mates that did not know how to do laundry?) and it helps a lot with keeping up with laundry. 
Yikes! Sorry for the long post!

1 comment:

  1. Mine do their own laundry, too, and it helps a TON! Good ideas!
