Tuesday, August 24, 2010

HellOo! (Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!)

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho! We sent them off to school!

And so???

How DID your MORNING go???

Don'tcha just LOVE trying to figure out the new norm?

Which way is up? Anyhow???

What's your "TOMORROW I'll know to do __________ differently" story???
What are your best "Things went well today because I remembered to __________" hints???

And last but not least, did you remember to purchase Bon-Bons so you could sit around on the couch eating them with your naked-toes up on the coffee table once those kiddos were gone?


  1. By the way~ this morning my brother came upstairs about 10, looked around and said, "Is it nice not having any kids around?" What this question FAILED miserably to take into account was that there were actually MORE kids in my home than yesterday, just DIFFERENT kids! GOODNESS!

  2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having Cassidy leave for Jr. High at 7:30 and then i get to concentrate on Camryn and Luke for elem. school. I never realized how lovely staggering ages would be!!!
