Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Garden pics!

I finally am getting around to taking some pics of my kiddie pool gardens!  I had peas and carrots that have already been grown and eaten.  I have dwarf romaine lettuce that has done beautifully and I have enjoyed that starting in June( besides the times my chickens got to it before I did).  Lucily it grows back over and over.  My Zucchini plants, tomatoes and peppers grew into big bushy plants a while ago, but have only just started producing the last 2 weeks.  It has been a strange year for gardening!  I am used to eating and enjoying my veggies before August.  Hopfully we will have a longer summer to off set the longer winter we had. Oh by the way all my cucumbers died.  That is two years in a row that has happened!

So as I was taking pictures of my garden Dani said "Mommy"  and I looked up and there she was holding our chicken "Daisy"! I don't know how she was able to pick her up because those chickens are fast and don't usually like to be picked up! And the other strange thing was I did not hear any noise to indicate that the chicken had been picked up.  Usually they will complain a little bit when you first pick them up.   As you can tell from the pic Danielle was very proud of herself and I think the chicken does not quite know what to think  LOL!   I was glad I had my camera in hand to capture the moment :-)


  1. The gardens look great, and so does Danielle! Oh- and I guess the chicken, too!

  2. Danielle is SOOOO cute!!! She makes me smile every Sunday!
